
…measured at 6” above the ground. Homeowner Help PDF Planting Containerized Trees How to plant a containerized tree. Ask The Arborist – Video Resources Video Polk CWPP -2013 Community Wildfire…

Urban & Community Forestry

Healthy community and urban forests are integral to the lives of all Georgians. The Georgia Forestry Commission’s urban and community foresters help protect and promote Georgia’s urban forests by: Providing…

Forest Stewardship Program

A Forest Stewardship management plan can be provided to landowners interested in managing their forestland for purposes such as: timber wildlife habitat recreational opportunities aesthetics soil and water conservation Developing…

State Managed Forests

…motorized dirt-bike use are NOT allowed on the Forest. Resources Base Map – Paulding Forest Georgia DNR Hunting Regulations Hunting maps are available from the Georgia DNR Wildlife Resources Division…

Burn Permits and Notifications

…These include: continuous pressurized water source on site; man-made or natural barrier to contain fire, such as bare soil, rocks, bricks, burn barrel, etc.; hand tools or fire-containing equipment on…

Wildfire Prevention

…percent of all wildfires in the state. Debris burning is categorized into different types: Yard leaf piles – the most common cause of wildfires Agricultural Forestry site preparation Construction land…

Firefighting Training & Resources

Wildland firefighters work in natural environments, such as forests, preventing and fighting fires, and performing rescue and aid services. Wildland Firefighter Training is for: Fire Department personnel – must be…

Timber Products

Here are some interesting facts about some of the many products that come from Georgia’s trees: Timber Products Pulpwood for paper, saw timber lumber, poles, and veneer logs are valuable…

Community Forestry Assistance

…up to $15,000 in funding for projects involving tree planting on public property and/or distribution of small containerized trees to area residents. Projects must contribute to tree equity, improve environmental…