Forests for Georgia, Georgia for Forests

…Working forests are like tree farms. These trees are planted for harvest and replanted like other crops. Along the way, those trees produce clean air and clean water, capture carbon…

Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

Georgia Celebrates Trees this Month

…137 Tree City USA’s were honored, along with 22 Tree Campus locations and two utility companies in the Tree Line program which recognizes arboricultural best practices. Anyone interested in participating…

Get Ready for Summer with Post-Storm Tree Assessments

…at for input and information about your storm damage mitigation options. It is imperative that all formal tree assessments and treatment be conducted by an International Society of Arboriculture…

Making the Shade Program

Many elementary schools do not have enough trees on the school’s campus, especially in the playground area. Strategically planted trees provide many benefits. Trees keep children healthy by: Reducing surface…

Dreaming of a Green Christmas? Start by Recycling Your Tree

Company, and Burpee Seed Company, communities have the drop-off locations, media promotion, and chipping services they need to be successful. The Georgia Forestry Commission even provides complimentary tree seedlings for…

Making your Home more Energy Efficient – by Planting Trees

…utilities are rediscovering tree planting as a time-tested method for reducing energy use. Research has shown roofs, windows, and air conditioners shaded by trees help reduce energy usage by up…

Urban & Community Forestry

Healthy community and urban forests are integral to the lives of all Georgians. The Georgia Forestry Commission’s urban and community foresters help protect and promote Georgia’s urban forests by: Providing…

Five-Year Plan

…GOAL 2: Increase active participation of local communities to advocate for community forests through education and tree plantings. STRATEGIC GOAL 3: Promote the development and enforcement of local tree ordinances….

Campaign Shares Health Benefits of Trees

The many health benefits linked to trees are being shared through a new campaign called “Healthy Trees – Healthy Lives.” According to a compilation of significant research, trees have a…