Forest Stewardship Program

A Forest Stewardship management plan can be provided to landowners interested in managing their forestland for purposes such as: timber wildlife habitat recreational opportunities aesthetics soil and water conservation Developing…

Water Quality & BMPs

…Gulf of Mexico. Along the way, the Chattahoochee provides drinking water for more than half of all Georgians and recreation opportunities on the reservoirs above the 13 dams that punctuate…

Pre-Suppression Firebreaks

Firebreaks are areas that are cleaned of fuels and reduced to mineral soil. They are created by using special equipment and hand tools to form trenches or harrows. GFC recommends…

Firefighting Training & Resources

…available, and provides the funding at no cost to cooperators to deliver this valued training opportunity. This cost includes the GFC instructor’s salary and travel expenses during the time they…

Forest Certification

There are several benefits to pursing certification, including: Some Georgia forest product companies show a preference for purchasing certified timber. Regions with more certified forestland attract new industries that require…

Ask The Arborist

…Bot canker is a serious pathogen of landscape and ornamental trees. This fungus is opportunistic and generally requires a weakened or damaged host. PDF Carpenter Ants and Trees Carpenter ants…

Community Forestry Assistance

With funding provided by the US Forest Service, GFC assists communities with: Tree board development Tree ordinance revision Becoming a Tree City USA, Tree Campus USA, or Tree Line USA…

Social & Cultural

Research suggests trees provide a place for neighbors to meet and get to know each other, and this leads to fewer incidences of crime. When you think about a place…

Health & Recreational

…urban forests, parks and greenspaces have become increasingly popular as places to walk, run, bike and hike. Green spaces provide necessary places and opportunities for physical activity. Exercise improves cognitive…

Ecosystem Services

The United Nations led a four-year assessment of the status and trends of the world’s ecosystems. This Millennium Assessment groups ecosystems services into four broad categories: Provisioning Services: The production…