Water Quality & BMPs

Landowners can help prevent or minimize impacts to Georgia’s water systems by planning ahead for Best Management Practices (BMPs) with any forestry operations, and developing a Forest Management Plan. This…

Carbon Sequestration

Forests have the capacity to both store and emit carbon. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store carbon in the stem, roots,…


Our Nursery and Seed Orchards All seedlings sold through GFC nurseries are grown from seed adapted to Georgia’s unique climate and soils. We process our seeds at our seed conditioning…

Forest Biomass

Forest landowners and existing forest industry have the potential to grow this new bioenergy industry rapidly by providing the needed biomass fuel and infrastructure for new mills that will produce…

Burn Permits and Notifications

Under Senate Bill 119, GA code section 12-6-90 was changed to eliminate the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) by the person, firm, corporation, or association who intends…

Fire Weather

Monitor Wildfire Conditions The GFC Fire Weather System provides area fire weather forecasts. The state is divided into ten forecast areas to provide the most accurate local information. View Fire…

Wildfire Prevention

When burning, always check the weather first. A major cause of debris burn wildfires is not following Ga code section 12-6-90 and burning with improper weather conditions. Changing conditions and…

Pre-Suppression Firebreaks

Firebreaks are areas that are cleaned of fuels and reduced to mineral soil. They are created by using special equipment and hand tools to form trenches or harrows. GFC recommends…

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

A CWPP provides a community with a road map to reduce wildfire risks. The plan identifies strategic sites and methods for risk reduction and structural protection projects across jurisdictional boundaries….

Firefighting Training & Resources

Wildland firefighters work in natural environments, such as forests, preventing and fighting fires, and performing rescue and aid services. Wildland Firefighter Training is for: Fire Department personnel – must be…