…Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management. Throughout his career at the GFC, Thomas has held various positions, including Forester, Assistant District Manager, Area Fire Management Officer, and Lead Forester….

Forestry Intern’s Experience at GFC

…and help the state forest interns. Cruising that land wasn’t easy, but we had a lot of laughs, and it was nice to be out of the office and the…

March Tornado Timber Damage Totals Nearly $3 Million

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 27, 2021 A new Georgia Forestry Commission report details damage left behind by an EF-4 tornado that tore through Newnan, Georgia, and surrounding areas in late…

Meet GFC’s Director: Tim Lowrimore

…and hopeful – confident that brighter days are ahead. I am grateful to Governor Brian Kemp, GFC Chairman Larry Spillers and the Board of Directors for giving me the opportunity…

Local Forester Named GFC 2020 Forester of the Year

…Management Programs, which brought badly needed relief to area landowners. His positive attitude and his desire to help landowners, loggers and other foresters were key reasons for being selected this…

GFC Seeking Director/State Forester

…times. While honoring its roots in protection from wildfire and sound land management for wood production and economic return, the GFC is seeking a visionary Director who personifies the mission:…

Gary White Named GFC Interim Director

…of 2020. Gary White graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management. After serving with the Peace Corps in Durking Faso, he returned to…

Storm Damage: Information for Landowners

Storms cause varying degrees of damage to forests and damage can be highly variable across affected areas of the landscape. Landowner objectives for the forest will help determine what actions are needed to restore the health and productivity of the forest resource. View steps to take after any storm.