Burn Permits and Notifications

Under Senate Bill 119, GA code section 12-6-90 was changed to eliminate the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) by the person, firm, corporation, or association who intends…

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

A CWPP provides a community with a road map to reduce wildfire risks. The plan identifies strategic sites and methods for risk reduction and structural protection projects across jurisdictional boundaries….

Firewise USA® Program

In 1985, after the loss of over 1,400 homes in Florida and California fires, the U.S. Forest Service and the NFPA met, and the concept known as the wildland urban…

Georgia Grown

GFC is a Georgia Grown partner. This marketing and economic development program was developed in 2011 by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. The No. 1 goal of Georgia Grown is…

Forest Inventory Analysis

What is Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data? FIA data is a set of measurements that detail Georgia’s current forest resources. GFC staff use this information to provide guidance and assistance…

Forest Certification

There are several benefits to pursing certification, including: Some Georgia forest product companies show a preference for purchasing certified timber. Regions with more certified forestland attract new industries that require…

Certified Tree Professionals

Tree care should always be provided by a certified arborist. Arborists are trained in the identification, diagnosis and care of trees. They understand how to provide proper tree care safely….

Care For Your Community’s Trees

Benefits of a thriving urban canopy: Increasing property value. The presence of larger street trees can add from 3% – 15% to home values. Increasing spending in business districts. Shoppers…

Community Forestry Assistance

With funding provided by the US Forest Service, GFC assists communities with: Tree board development Tree ordinance revision Becoming a Tree City USA, Tree Campus USA, or Tree Line USA…

Community Tree Advocacy

Whether you’re looking to get involved with an existing organization or begin the process of starting your own, GFC is here to help. Start a Tree Board A tree board…