Cogongrass: Identifying one of the Most Invasive Plant Species

Cogongrass is one of the most invasive plants in Georgia. Follow along with Lynne Womack, our Forest Health Coordinator, and Mark McClure, our Forest Health Specialist, as they discuss the characteristics, common look-a-likes, and location of Cogongrass.

Native Trees of Georgia

Georgia’s forests are home to approximately 250 species of trees. Native Trees of Georgia describes 92 of them.

Think Trees for the Holidays

…is here and many families ware venturing out to buy the annual Christmas tree. As always, the Georgia Forestry Commission is proud to endorse the purchase of a live Christmas…

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

A non-native woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, was detected in New York (NY) in 2005 and likely entered a port via solid wood packing material in cargo. This insect is native to…

Natural Disaster Recovery

…be found in our archive. August 30, 2023 Hurricane Idalia Timber Impact Assessment January 2023 Tornado Timber Impact Assessment April 2022 Tornado Timber Impact Assessment March 2021 Storm Timber Impact…

Educator Resources

…provides resources to spread important messages in your community to prevent arson. Access resources. External Website Native Trees of Georgia Book Book showing illustrations of trees native to Georgia. PDF…

Rural Fire Defense Program

…Georgia Department of Administrative Services Surplus Property Division. The mission is to redistribute as much as possible to state offices, local governments, and some nonprofit groups. What is not redistributed…