GFC Leaf Watch

…in trees depends on the tree species, soil composition, and other environmental components. PDF NTG Fall Color Supplement These are generally considered the fall colors during peak season. Habitat, weather,…

Forest Certification Programs

…sustainable wood sourcing. Trends toward a higher demand for certified wood products could result in competition and higher prices for the certified timber. Helpful Resources TitleDescriptionDocument Type Comparing Certification Standards…

Fire Weather

…linked to GFC’s wildfire computer-aided dispatch system and software called FiResponse. It offers current information about Georgia’s reported and active wildfires. Details include: fire location whether a fire is active,…

Timber Products

Here are some interesting facts about some of the many products that come from Georgia’s trees: Timber Products Pulpwood for paper, saw timber lumber, poles, and veneer logs are valuable…

Forest Inventory Analysis

…to make decisions on development, commerce, wildlife and much more. Nationally, collected data is electronically compiled and forwarded to the U.S. Forest Service FIA program office in Knoxville, Tennessee. Based…

Forest Certification

There are several benefits to pursing certification, including: Some Georgia forest product companies show a preference for purchasing certified timber. Regions with more certified forestland attract new industries that require…

Georgia ReLeaf Grant Program

…and the Community Forestry Assistance Act of the 1990 Farm Bill, has allocated funding to the Georgia Forestry Commission for statewide distribution, in partnership with the Georgia Tree Council. To…