Champion Trees

…of foliage and be at least 13 feet in total height. It must be a species recognized as native or naturalized in the continental United States. The GFC uses Elbert…

Cogongrass in Georgia

…by USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – Plant Protection and Quarantine. Join the cogongrass eradication team in Georgia and be a part of protecting our state’s forest and…

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

…are taking place in several southeastern states, including Georgia, but no Sirex noctilio has been detected to date. Part of their life cycle involves creating egg niches and laying eggs…

Reflections on the Big Fire of 2007

…roads to “refill locations,” and helicopters fly many miles away to suitable ponds and lakes to refill buckets. This creates long turn-around periods for water supply. Sorrells said they learned…

Timber Harvest Notifications

…used but does not prevent a county from pursuing other remedies to recoup damages to county roads or rights of way. Creates a timeline for when and how a county…


…a monoculture of just cogongrass. It also burns hotter than our native grasses and creates serious fire hazards in areas where it has become established. Initially, it was thought that…

Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

…pressure and cholesterol medications. HOW MUCH EXERCISE IS NEEDED? The American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly. That’s 30 minutes, five times a week,…

Fire Weather

…(Lavdas, 1996) and is designed to assist with planning prescribed burns in the Southern United States. VSmoke is a simple gaussian smoke dispersion model that calculates isopleths of surface smoke…

Wildfire Prevention

…of outdoor burn, always remember: Combustible materials should be removed from a home’s perimeter. Exit routes should be identified in advance. Keep the following close at hand: shovel, a hose…

Wood-Using Industries

…state of Georgia. External Website Hurricane Matthew Timber Impact Assessment Georgia (2016) Hurricane Matthew impacted multiple southern states, and all coastal counties of Georgia experienced extreme winds and heavy rain…