Georgia Pulpwood Production Fact Sheet – 2021

This fact sheet is adapted from Southern Pulpwood Production, 2021. The full report presents the findings of a 100 percent canvass of pulp mills that drew roundwood or wood residues from the 13 Southern States during 2021

Carefully Planned “Good Fires” Prevent Bad Ones

…to register and attend a meeting scheduled on June 4, 2020, in Jasper, Ga., that will encourage the exchange of information, techniques, and experience among practitioners. “The controlled use of…

Annual Northern Georgia Burn Ban Begins May 1

…contribute to human health concerns and issues. Residents in Georgia counties not included in the annual burn ban, or wishing to conduct open burning that is exempt from the burn…

Tree Roots – Driveways and Sidewalks

When planting trees near our homes, we have to be aware of the serious and expensive consequences of tree roots growing under driveways and sidewalks.

Salvaging the Bradford Pear

These trees were genetically selected for their perfect “lollypop” shaped crown, but it is that shape that is responsible for a shortened life span. The limited life of these trees is a function of structural failure, not “natural causes.”

Lightning Struck Trees

For trees, the impact of a lightning strike may be light, leaving no obvious damage, or it may be severe, with catastrophic results.

Leaning Trees – What’s up with that?

Unfortunately, neither Mother Nature nor the character of a tree can reduce the very real risks associated with leaning. It’s not that trees that lean are inherently bad; it’s just that gravity creates problems.

Girdling Roots in Trees

Healthy roots are the foundation for a long, beautiful relationship with your trees. A girdling root problem starts very early in a tree’s development and can cut short a plant’s life.