GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

…and orange. Sweetgum – Yellow to red to purple Hickory – Excellent golden yellows are becoming more common Estimated percentage of color change from green to date: 50 to 80%…

Burn Permits and Notifications

Under Senate Bill 119, GA code section 12-6-90 was changed to eliminate the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) by the person, firm, corporation, or association who intends…

New Rules in Effect as North Georgia Burn Ban is Lifted

changes. “The changes to the law really strengthen the prevention of wildfires caused by escaped yard debris burning,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “Part of the new law…

GFC Centennial

Commission (GFC). 1922 – Present In its report to the 1922 General Assembly, the Board focused on the economic importance of forests to Georgia and potential threats posed by a…