10-20-21 Leaf Watch Report

The past week has been cool and sunny with a little rain, allowing many of the trees to slowly progress with color change. Areas with high concentrations of blackgum and sourwood are currently showing the most vivid colors providing differing shades of red and orangeSassafras is also beginning to show a variety of colors including yellow, orange and red. 

10-27-21 Leaf Watch Report

Foliage color change is steadily progressing and is most visible in areas above 2000 feet. Sourwood and blackgum continue to provide a majority of the red patches seen from overlooks and ridges. Hickory and poplar have made the most significant changes over the past week as they are beginning to display a mix of vivid yellows, golds, and browns.

11-11-21 Leaf Watch Report

Color change has surpassed peak in a majority of NW GA. Overlooks are showing duller shades of yellow, brown and gold, with occasional patches of red. There is very little green left and many species such as yellow poplar, sourwood, and blackgum have lost a majority of their leaves, resulting in patches with little to no color.

11-17-21 Final 2021 Leaf Watch Report

Foliage color change is ending in NW GA as a large percentage of trees have lost their leaves. The few leaves remaining are showing dull colors of brown, yellow, and red. Chestnut oak, white oak, and red oak are among the few species retaining leaves contributing to arrays of brown and yellow.  Select few maples are still showing some vivid colors of yellow and orange.

Overall color intensity will likely decrease in the coming week as leaves continue to drop.