Asian Longhorned Beetle

In early June 2020, a homeowner near the town of Hollywood, SC, close to the coast, found an odd-looking beetle, which was sent to Clemson University’s Department of Plant Industry…

Forest Action Plan – GA Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources (2015)

Georgia’s 24 million acres of forest land are a rich and renewable resource that provide a myriad of benefits to citizens across the state. This updated Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources addresses the conditions and issues at hand today, and prioritize concerns for the near and distant future.

Georgia’s Forest Action Plan

…of benefits to citizens across the state. This updated Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources addresses the conditions and issues at hand today, and prioritize concerns for the near and distant…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…nursery survey, is water sampling and stream baiting the irrigation water within 6 nurseries also. Future stream baiting efforts will target more watersheds near other positive nurseries in the metro…

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (PFW)

…for at least 10 years. Application Process This program is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Get more program information To apply: contact your nearest USFWS office….

Pine Beetle – The Urban Problem

Awareness of the location of pine beetle infestations near them and research based information relative to the management options available is the best defense a homeowner can have.

Report Card for Georgia’s Forestland Released

…resource that provided more than 147,000 jobs and generated nearly $36 billion in economic value to the state in 2017. “Georgia is the top forestry state in the nation and…

Longleaf Pine Forest Establishment Hub

The Forest Stewardship Program is designed to integrate forest management objectives of sustaining quality native timber, native wildlife populations, soil & water resources, aesthetics, & recreation, over a 10-year planning period. This template provides landowners with technical guidance that places near-equal emphasis of these objectives. It prescribes conservation practices to establish new longleaf pine forests using either artificial planting methods or natural regeneration methods.

Sustainability Report for Georgia’s Forests – January 2024

Report details the condition of the state’s 24-million acres of forestland. It outlines the numerous economic, environmental, and social benefits of Georgia’s forests and details specific challenges to the resource that provided more than 141,000 jobs and generated nearly $42 billion in economic value to the state in 2022.