Is My Tree Safe?

All trees will fail at some point in their life, and all trees have some level of risk associated with them. Determining the likelihood of tree failure requires a significant level of experience and knowledge about how trees grow, how they fail, and what characteristics make a tree “risky.”

Forest Inventory Analysis

…to make decisions on development, commerce, wildlife and much more. Nationally, collected data is electronically compiled and forwarded to the U.S. Forest Service FIA program office in Knoxville, Tennessee. Based…

Cogongrass in Georgia

…established due to the tremendous root system that must be completely eliminated. The first step in eradicating cogongrass is educating individuals how to identify the grass. The most recognizable feature…

2019 Best Management Practices – BMPs

Information for landowners, foresters, timber buyers, loggers, site preparation and reforestation contractors, and others involved with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES and are commonly referred to as BMPs.

Leaf Watch Report October 7th, 2021

compared to areas below 3000 feet. Suggested scenic drive: From I-75 take Hwy 136 to the top of Lookout Mountain. Turn right onto Hwy 189 (or continue on 136 and…

2019 Georgia’s Best Management Practices for Forestry Manual

The purpose of this manual is to inform landowners, foresters, timber buyers, loggers, site preparation and reforestation contractors, and others involved with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES and are commonly referred to as BMPs.

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

…may be introduced in quantity at some point in the future in the United States. About half of Georgia’s 24.7 million acre forest contains a pine component that could be…

Caring for your Trees: Proper Watering

…young trees require more water and attention. It is best to water trees in the late afternoon or early morning when evaporation rates are at the lowest point. Newly planted…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 1, 2020

All signs are pointing to a great leaf season, and it has begun! Reds and orange of Sourwood and Blackgum looking toward Tray Mountain from Brasstown Subtle changes in greens…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…is there is still plenty of foliage in transition and still plenty green so we should still see more color development in the coming days to the next 2-3 weeks….