Fire Prevention & Suppression

…wildfires in Georgia start because of careless debris burning. Also, certain weather conditions can increase the chance of fire. These include warm temperatures, wind, low humidity, and atmospheric instability. Fighting…

Forest Health

…ramorum. On these hosts, the fungus causes a bleeding canker on the main stem of the tree which grows over a period of several years until it girdles the tree….

Timber Sales & Harvest Advice

…premium. Tracts that are unusually difficult to log due to poor access or steep terrain often bring lower prices. Tracts that have high quality sawtimber, high volume per acre, or…

Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…Program (CRP) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a cost-share and rental payment program. Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) A cost share is targeted at producers who maintain a…

Care For Your Trees

…when too little rain falls to keep the grass alive. There are important tips to follow for proper watering and maintenance. PDF Managing Storm Damaged Trees: Do’s and Don’ts Check…

Educator Resources

…GPB is to create, produce and distribute high quality programs and services that educate, inform and entertain our audiences and enrich the quality of their lives. External Website Hazards of…

Prescribed Burn

…Certain weather parameters are dictated and a burn permit must be obtained from GFC. Firebreaks (natural or man-made) must be noted and a map of the tract should be attached….

Carefully Planned “Good Fires” Prevent Bad Ones

…forest resources. Prescribed fire is key to achieving healthy conditions described in the Georgia Forest Action Plan. Fire is as natural as sunshine, rain, and wind in many plant communities…

Special Team Dispatched to Spread Fire Safety Alerts

…a wildfire that would likely move quickly and be difficult to contain.” With the fall foliage season beginning and an increased number of expected visitors to north Georgia, the agencies…

Georgia’s Forest Action Plan

…in planning for and reducing wildfire risks. Maintain and enhance the economic benefits and values of trees and forests. Protect, conserve and enhance wildlife and fish habitat. Connect people to…