Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

The urbanization of the rural landscape has resulted in challenges for protecting not only natural resources, but also homes and people. Communities in the WUI are at risk of catastrophic…

Five-Year Plan

The purpose of the Five-Year Plan for Georgia’s Urban and Community Forests is to: provide strategic direction for urban and community forest programs coordinate statewide efforts to value, conserve, manage…

Tree Ordinances

Some ordinances apply only to street trees, while others apply to all public and privately owned trees. Many communities adopt tree ordinances when citizens perceive an immediate need to protect…

Canopy Studies & Tree Inventories

Depletion of Georgia’s Tree Canopy According to a 2006 study, the Atlanta region lost an average of 50 acres of tree canopy per day between 1991 and 2005. For each…

Green Infrastructure Resources

GI can be applied on a landscape scale or as an individual green design on a local scale. It may include green roofs, bio swales, and pervious pavement. Benefits a…


Trees are capital assets that help decrease infrastructure costs in cities. The presence of trees in a community affects the cost of municipal services such as stormwater control, transportation and…

Ecosystem Services

The United Nations led a four-year assessment of the status and trends of the world’s ecosystems. This Millennium Assessment groups ecosystems services into four broad categories: Provisioning Services: The production…

Educator Resources

Educational Programs TitleDescriptionDocument Type Environmental Education in Georgia Environmental Education Advances Quality Education, environmental education (EE) is a learning process that increases knowledge and awareness about the environment and develops…

Landowner Resources

TitleDescriptionDocument Type 1. GA Tree Owners Manual From Planting to Maintenance PDF 2019 BMP Brochure – Sustaining Your Forest and Georgia’s Water Quality Forestry BMPs are an important part of…