Burn Permits and Notifications

…Person responsible on-site until the fire is extinguished R – Reasonable precautions – Tools/measures in place to prevent escaped fire. Some examples are: tools/measures in place to prevent escaped fire….

Green Cities: Place Attachment & Meaning

Place attachment and meaning are particularly relevant when considering issues of urban development and community-building. Attachment and meaning emerge from a variety of experiences and situations, and are often related to parks, green spaces, and natural areas. Learn more with this brief summary.

Forest Management Plan

A forest management plan is the roadmap to a healthy forest. Landowners have diverse goals for their forested land. Explore the benefits of creating a forest management plan.

Standards for Forest Stewardship Plans & Renewals

Georgia’s Forest Stewardship Program utilizes the unprecedented cooperation of resource professionals from both the public and private sector with backgrounds in forestry, wildlife biology, soil science, and recreation management. Working together, they produce detailed and comprehensive management plans called Forest Stewardship Plans for landowners enrolled in the program.

Cogongrass in Georgia

…by USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – Plant Protection and Quarantine. Join the cogongrass eradication team in Georgia and be a part of protecting our state’s forest and…

Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests

Information on accurate identification and effective control of the 33 plants or groups that are invading the forests of the 13 Southern States at an alarming rate, showing both growing and dormant season traits.