GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 9, 2020

…this week by the birches. Many yellow poplars are currently shedding leaves with leaf showers common along your drive. However, there is still a solid population of poplar that are…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

Northwest GA (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Lots of rain over the past week has led to a slightly different look in the higher elevations. Many of the trees previously displaying…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

Northwest GA (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): The past week has been cool and sunny with little rain or wind, allowing many of the trees to progress with color change. Hickory…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…is there is still plenty of foliage in transition and still plenty green so we should still see more color development in the coming days to the next 2-3 weeks….

GFC Leaf Watch: November 5, 2020 (final leaf watch post)

Northwest GA (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Peak color has passed in a majority of NW GA, as last week’s high winds and heavy rains encouraged the loss of the remaining…

Leaf Watch Report October 7th, 2021

Northwest GA Specific (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Cooler nights, sunny days, and adequate rainfall are signaling the beginning of the fall foliage season. Trees are on track to display vivid…

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…have combined to give the look and feel of fall for Northeast Georgia. While the birches, poplars, and sycamores have all but completed their fall showing, other species like dogwood,…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

Northwest GA (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Foliage color change is steadily progressing and is most visible in areas above 2000 feet. Sourwood and blackgum continue to provide a majority of…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

Northwest GA Specific (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Fall color change in Northwest GA remains approximately one week behind last year. Many areas from 1500 to 3000 feet are currently at…

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 17th, 2021

Northwest GA Specific (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Foliage color change is ending in NW GA as a large percentage of trees have lost their leaves. The few leaves remaining are…