GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…surpassed peak as deep reds begin to dull. Species specifics: Dogwood – vivid red is beginning to dull and shedding leaves Birch – slowly fading to brown and yellow Yellow-poplar…

Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative

come first served basis. Landowners should apply after the burn is completed and provide your burn permit number on the application. Landowners burning multiple blocks during the application period should…

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

Community Forest Department are found on this webpage. There you’ll see tools such as “Ask the Arborist,” tree care manuals, community outreach opportunities, and information about the Wildland Urban Interface,…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…amounts of water from the roots to the crown. On the host plants the fungus causes leaf spot and twig dieback, and doesn’t kill these species. The hosts serve as…

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

The urbanization of the rural landscape has resulted in challenges for protecting not only natural resources, but also homes and people. Communities in the WUI are at risk of catastrophic…

Georgia ReLeaf Grant Program

…and the Community Forestry Assistance Act of the 1990 Farm Bill, has allocated funding to the Georgia Forestry Commission for statewide distribution, in partnership with the Georgia Tree Council. To…


Trees are capital assets that help decrease infrastructure costs in cities. The presence of trees in a community affects the cost of municipal services such as stormwater control, transportation and…