GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

Northwest GA (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): The past week has been cool and sunny with little rain or wind, allowing many of the trees to progress with color change. Hickory…

Landowners Can Help Reduce Wildfire in Georgia

…requirement to notify the GFC county ranger for agriculture, silviculture and land-clearing burns for residential or commercial development. Those activities DO require a permit. These changes will take a little…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…color opportunity. South-facing slopes are showing a little more color also. Roadsides throughout the mountain counties are providing regular color. As in the last two weeks, the Richard Russel Scenic…

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…have combined to give the look and feel of fall for Northeast Georgia. While the birches, poplars, and sycamores have all but completed their fall showing, other species like dogwood,…

10-20-21 Leaf Watch Report

The past week has been cool and sunny with a little rain, allowing many of the trees to slowly progress with color change. Areas with high concentrations of blackgum and sourwood are currently showing the most vivid colors providing differing shades of red and orangeSassafras is also beginning to show a variety of colors including yellow, orange and red. 

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…color change with little green remaining outside of evergreen trees. This week, canopies are starting to see the most coloration occur in elevations above 1000’ and can be seen from…

2019 GA Carbon Sequestration Summary

Over 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon is sequestered on Georgia timberland according to 2019 Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) data, provided by the U.S. Forest Service. This includes 23.2 million acres on federal, state/local, and private property. It accounts for carbon in aboveground and belowground live and dead biomass, aboveground and belowground understory vegetation, coarse woody debris, soil, and leaf litter. This estimate excludes timberland primarily consisting of exotic species and non-stocked stands (previously forested land that has yet to be replanted or produce substantial natural vegetation).

Pass the Tissue, it’s Pollen Time!

…Georgia Forestry Commission, pollen is a critical part of the Reforestation Department’s mission. Pine pollen plays an important role in the generation of superior trees that are cross-bred for desirable…

Pass the Tissue, it’s Pollen Time!

…receive pollen. Male pollen from superior parent will be injected into bag to pollenate flowers when they are at maximum receptivity. At the Georgia Forestry Commission, pollen is a critical…