GFC Seeking Director/State Forester

…development and management; Emphasis will be placed on candidates who hold a Bachelor of Science degree in forestry or who have significant experience in forest management; and Candidates with relevant…

Longleaf Restoration

…practices Largest variety of practices offered by cost share program – everything ranging from establishment to commercial thinning Contract length is two years to complete practices Process: Contact local NRCS…

Student Resources

…Forest is an outreach project of the Southern Group of State Foresters and the state forestry agencies representing 13 southern states. It is intended to help children across the South…

Water Quality & BMPs

Southern Regional Forests and Drinking Water (Infographic) PDF Recommendations to Assist Federal Regulatory Agencies in the Determination of Ongoing Silviculture In Bottomland Hardwood and Cypress Swamps The SGSF Water Resources…

Georgia Grown

GFC is a Georgia Grown partner. This marketing and economic development program was developed in 2011 by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. The No. 1 goal of Georgia Grown is…

Georgia 2022 SPB Prediction Trapping Results

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) participates annually in the southern pine beetle (SPB) prediction trapping program. The southern pine beetle is the most destructive forest pest in the southeastern states. Survey results are documented in an annual report so that activity and damage levels can be anticipated and mitigated.

Vigilance Urged as Insect-Attacks Emerge

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MAY 31, 2023 The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is urging residents in four Georgia counties to be on the lookout for damage signs from the destructive southern

Carbon Registry

…water filtration, erosion control, wildlife habitats, and clean air. Find out more about Carbon Sequestration. How much carbon can southern forests process? Actively managed southern pine plantations sequester from one…