Georgia ReLeaf Grant Program

…and the Community Forestry Assistance Act of the 1990 Farm Bill, has allocated funding to the Georgia Forestry Commission for statewide distribution, in partnership with the Georgia Tree Council. To…

Christmas Tree Vendor Directory

…- Come See Come Saw David Bosshardt Call For Appointment , , Phone: 706-861-5672 County: Walker Call for appointment and directions. Blue Ice; Leyland Cypress; White Pine; Open Date: Mon:…

Forest Stewardship Program

…Steering Committee along with the Georgia Forestry Commission have a discussion about partnerships, legacy, and other topics related to #stewardship in #Georgia. #forestry #gatrees #education #prescribedfire #forest #legacy #partnerships Video…

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

The urbanization of the rural landscape has resulted in challenges for protecting not only natural resources, but also homes and people. Communities in the WUI are at risk of catastrophic…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…Georgia Forestry Commission hosted a group of west coast nursery and regulatory officials to illustrate the risk of Phytophthora ramorum in our eastern forests. Steve Oak, USDA Forest Service, and…

GA Forestry Commission Set to Launch Leaf Watch 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 4, 2023 The fall foliage season is almost here and Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) foresters are ready to share the colorful story! Beginning Thursday, October 5,…