GFC Leaf Watch

…move far on their own, they can travel hundreds of miles when people move firewood, logs, chips, and mulch. Forest pests can kill our native trees and be very expensive,…

Don’t Move Firewood

Georgia Forestry Commission Forest Health experts say moving firewood has been linked to the spread of destructive, non-native insects and diseases to forest ecosystems. While these pests can’t move far on their own, they can travel hundreds of miles when people move firewood, logs, chips, and mulch. Forest pests can kill our native trees and be very expensive, if not impossible, to control.

“The Best Time to Plant a Tree was Yesterday.”

…always been an incredible resource for forestry needs. Once again, the GFC showed up hours after the storm to begin helping to clear roadways with their strike teams, and soon…


…weeds and since its introduction in 1911, it has been spreading almost unchecked across the Southeast. Once cogongrass becomes established in an area, it chokes out native vegetation and becomes…

North Georgia Burn Ban Boosts Air Quality

…need to lower the risk of wildfire by paying close attention to weather conditions and safety precautions. Everyone needs to work together to ensure an enjoyable and fire-free summer.” For…

Leaf Watch Report for October 05, 2022

…reds. Yellow poplar – Increased amounts of yellows showing through. Dogwood – Red and burgundy. Sourwood – Signs of Red hue. Sweetgum – Yellow, red, and purple. Blackgum – Red…

GFC’s people and services impact Georgians

…accident, and so forth. If that employee needs extra comp time or support of ANY kind, the GFC family steps up to the plate – instantly. I’ve seen a parent…

GFC U&CF Technical Assistance Program

…trees needed most urgently? How can we budget for tree needs and integrate better tree care across city agencies? What equipment and personnel do we need now and into the…