2020 Selling Your Timber

Selling timber can be a source of great satisfaction to a landowner. It may also be surprising, frustrating and stressful, especially for landowners who conduct timber sales infrequently. Relying on the expertise of a registered consulting forester for help with harvest planning and timber sales reduces the likelihood that sellers or buyers will be caught off guard – and that helps landowners get the highest return for their timber.

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

Post-Zeta update from our resident leaf expert: “No doubt we lost a lot of the bright colors that had developed up to now. Mid level 2500-1500 or so still holding…

Health & Recreational

…and creativity, cognitive and intellectual development, and social relationships. The character of a neighborhood has a significant affect on residents’ physical activity. People in communities with abundant greenspace generally enjoy…

Care For Your Trees

…arborist, search for certified arborists and more. TitleDescriptionDocument Type 1. GA Tree Owners Manual From Planting to Maintenance PDF 5. How to Plant Trees – A Homeowner’s Guide “How do…

My Firewise Experience 

…the tasks needed for the project. Some of the tasks were completing an online fire safety course, attending a Firewise community meeting in Hiawassee, completing a Firewise risk assessment of…

Making the Shade Program

…buildings. The Making the Shade program enlivens and activates communities for years to come. Students and parents can serve as the primary planters. This allows them to take ownership and…


Community trees across the United States store 6.5 million tons of carbon per year, resulting in a savings of $22 billion in control costs. Stable Weather Research demonstrates that urban…

Law Enforcement

…Bill 790 to enforce any law relating to the protection, security, conservation, or sale of forest/timber resources. GFC receives and evaluates complaints concerning timber transactions. Investigators are assigned to complaints,…

Emergency Response

…Georgia Wildfire Activity GFC’s Georgia Wildfire Public Viewer provides an interactive map that pinpoints wildfire activity throughout the state. This tool is directly linked to GFC’s wildfire computer-aided dispatch system…