GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD)

GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD) By Emily Hamilton, GFC Rural Fire Defense Manager The Georgia Forestry Commission offers special services to Georgia communities through the Rural Fire Defense Program….

Georgia Celebrates Trees this Month

…Director Tim Lowrimore. “This is a great opportunity for communities to come together and support the many benefits trees deliver, including storm water uptake, cooling shade, homes for wildlife, and…

NTG Fall Color Supplement

These are generally considered the fall colors during peak season. Habitat, weather, genetics, and other components can give variations to the general. Nature determines fall color, not exact science.

2020 – Georgia Statewide Forest Resources Strategy

Georgia’s original Forest Action Plan was produced with contributions from many program leaders of the Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service. Content contributors included Dr. Jon Ambrose, Constance Buford, Joe Burgess, Scott Thackston, Devon Dartnell, David Dickinson, Frank Sorrells, Ken Parker, Gary White, Scott Griffin, Josh Love, Joan Scales, Jim Ozier, Dru Preston, Dick Rightmyer, Buford Sanders and Risher Willard. Liz Kramer, University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences contractor, conducted the GIS analyses. Final document design and production was accomplished by Wendy Burnett, Kassie Keck and Stasia Kelly. Development and publication of this document was assisted by a grant from the National Association of State Foresters.

High-flying Tools for Fire – and More!

High-flying Tools for Fire – and More! By RT Lumpkin, GFC Prescribed Burn Center Coordinator Science and technology are critical tools utilized daily by the Georgia Forestry Commission. One such…

Green Cities: Safe Streets

his article surveys the research on roadside vegetation benefits, and the scientific evidence concerning city trees, and transportation safety.

Timber Products

Here are some interesting facts about some of the many products that come from Georgia’s trees: Timber Products Pulpwood for paper, saw timber lumber, poles, and veneer logs are valuable…

Forest Inventory Analysis

…to make decisions on development, commerce, wildlife and much more. Nationally, collected data is electronically compiled and forwarded to the U.S. Forest Service FIA program office in Knoxville, Tennessee. Based…

Project Learning Tree

…responsible actions to sustain forests and the broader environment. Goals Provide students with the awareness, appreciation, skills and commitment to address environmental issues. Enable students to apply scientific processes and…