Help at Hand for Michael-Struck GA Landowners

…GFC website. Landowners may apply for debris management funds retroactively. Approved applicants will be notified in writing beginning February 25, 2019, and funding levels and guidelines will be included. Upon…

Generating Value through Forest Carbon – An Introduction

Individuals seeking facts about the forestry carbon marketplace can easily be overwhelmed by the amount of information available. Confusing and contradictory details can make it very hard to assess income potential or assign appropriate risk. This guide seeks to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about forestry carbon and help direct further investigation.

Longleaf Pine Forest Establishment Hub

The Forest Stewardship Program is designed to integrate forest management objectives of sustaining quality native timber, native wildlife populations, soil & water resources, aesthetics, & recreation, over a 10-year planning period. This template provides landowners with technical guidance that places near-equal emphasis of these objectives. It prescribes conservation practices to establish new longleaf pine forests using either artificial planting methods or natural regeneration methods.

Cogongrass in Georgia

…PSA Cogongrass Eradication Strategies Cogongrass Eradication Agreement Identifying Cogongrass (Field Guide) Contact Us We are happy to assist with any questions or concerns you may have. If you can’t find…

Vibrant Cities Lab

Case Studies, Research Guides and Tools to help cultivate thriving urban forests that boost public health, safety, sustainability and economic growth.

Learn, Plan, Act

GFC and the Southern Group of State Foresters launched “Learn, Plan, Act” as a way to promote sound forest management practices and provide helpful educational materials, guidance and other resources to Georgia landowners.