Howard E. Bennett Museum

The log cabin that houses the museum was built to replicate a depression-era Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) cabin in Albany, Georgia. The original cabin had been used since the 1950’s…

Dreaming of a Green Christmas? Start by Recycling Your Tree

…That environmental stewardship continues when individuals make the choice to recycle their trees in January. Through KGBF’s “Bring One for the Chipper” program, trees are collected at over 150 locations…

Emergency Response

…a number of helpful tips to properly prepare. Georgia records some 3,500 wildfires annually. There is a higher risk of wildfire in the wildland urban interface (WUI), where homes are…

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia

…is capable of rapid population growth. In the Southeast, mild winters also allow greater numbers of HWA to survive the winter, leading to higher population grown than in the northeastern…

Lumber Boom Not Benefitting Southern Forest Owners – So What Now?

…like urban development. By acknowledging these challenges and helping forest owners navigate available markets while managing for sustainability, we can help landowners keep their forests economically viable and intact. So,…

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

number of objectives can be met. The program features multiple in-depth documents, internet links, and the capability to create your custom management plan. With this program and website, everything is…

Forests for Georgia, Georgia for Forests

…among states for the number of species that are at risk and fifth in the number of extinctions. Experts have identified nearly 300 animal species and nearly 325 plant species…

Campaign Shares Health Benefits of Trees

…of significant research, trees have a positive impact on human health, and the Healthy Trees campaign details the numerous benefits in a captivating and easy to apply style. “The connection…