The Making the Shade program provides grant funding to create healthier, shaded playground areas on elementary school campuses. This funding (up to $5,000) is available to elementary schools, PTAs, neighborhood associations, and community groups. In addition, GFC’s Community Foresters help with species selection, location, planting, and maintenance education.

Many elementary schools do not have enough trees on the school’s campus, especially in the playground area. Strategically planted trees provide many benefits.

Trees keep children healthy by:
  • Reducing surface temperatures on playground equipment
  • Reducing UV radiation which can cause skin cancer
  • Reducing ground-level ozone through cooling
  • Decreasing temperatures
  • Improving air quality, thereby lessening the risk for children with asthma
Tree benefits in school settings:
  • Shade from trees encourages activities in green recess settings, reducing AD/HD and improving test scores.
  • Children gather in the shade of trees and seek them out for respite from overactive minds’
  • Trees improve campus aesthetics.
  • Trees provide shady gathering areas for teachers, administrators, and students.
  • Trees conserve energy by shading air conditioning equipment, windows, and buildings.
The Making the Shade program enlivens and activates communities for years to come.
  • Students and parents can serve as the primary planters. This allows them to take ownership and responsibility for watering and mulching.
  • Pre-planned classroom activities can also be coordinated around events such as Arbor Day.

Apply to Making the Shade Program

Making the Shade grant applications are accepted year-round. Steps to Apply:

  1. View Grant Application and Guidelines
  2. Contact a U&CF Forester in your area to schedule an appointment.
  3. Download an application form and bring it with you to the appointment for further assistance.

View Grant Application and Guidelines