Southern Pine Beetles

…The SPB cost share program is available to Georgia landowners who want to reduce their risk of an SPB problem or who need to restore stands killed by SPB. The…


…probability of infestations. The GFC annually reports on SPB activity across the state through seasonal analyses of SPB data and aerial surveys. Judging from the special traps hung in 50…

Vigilance Urged as Insect-Attacks Emerge

…pine beetle (SPB). In a recent survey by GFC foresters, Echols, Twiggs, Dawson, and Greene Counties were identified as locations with the highest probabilities of experiencing an SPB outbreak this…

Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program (SPB)

…noted on the SPBPRS Resource Practice Plan that a lesser number of years are determined for maintenance. Application Process The cost share program for Southern Pine Beetle (SPBP) is now…

Pine Bark Beetles

For more specific information on SPB, click here. Pine bark beetles are native to Georgia and can have devastating effects on pine trees. Pine bark beetles found throughout Georgia include…

Georgia 2021 SPB Aerial Survey Report

Southern pine beetle (SPB) activity was very low across the state in 2021. Above average rainfall throughout the summer maintained healthy tree vigor resulting in very few pine beetle spots. Flights were flown across the state in August and September for a total of 5,509

Georgia 2022 SPB Prediction Trapping Results

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) participates annually in the southern pine beetle (SPB) prediction trapping program. The southern pine beetle is the most destructive forest pest in the southeastern states. Survey results are documented in an annual report so that activity and damage levels can be anticipated and mitigated.