Carbon Sequestration

…established by Georgia Senate Bill 356 in 2004. The Registry provides a mechanism for the development, documentation, and reporting of carbon sequestration projects in Georgia. On the site, users can…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…Urban forests (Nowak et al., Journal of Forestry 99 (3), pp. 37-42) $ 7,541,612,000 – Growing Stock – standing timber (1997 FIA data) $ 1,100,300,000 – Tourism (Georgia Industry, Trade,…


…with the best urban and community forestry practices, partners and professionalism. Download application to apply for the Community Forestry Friend program. Community Help, Urban & Community Forestry PDF Comparing Certification…

Community Forestry Friend Program Application

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is rewarding communities and campuses implementing
exemplary urban forestry programs with a Community Forestry Friend social media badge. Earning
the badge means your community manages its trees with the best urban and community forestry
practices, partners and professionalism. Download application to apply for the Community Forestry Friend program.

Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

…physical activity and metabolism. 107:3109-3116 Psychological benefits of walking through forest areas. International Journal of environmental research and public health. 2018.15(12): 2804 A dose response curve describing the relationship between…

Berrien County Woods Arson Suspect Jailed

…County District Attorney Chase Studstill. “That may result in a separate prison sentence, based on his new arrest on arson charges. “The professionalism of the forestry investigators, along with their…

Georgia’s Family Forest Landowners – 2021

…sustaining rural economies, but they also provide several other environmental (e.g., clean water and air, carbon sequestration and storage, wildlife habitat, and pollination) and social (e.g., hunting, tourism, aesthetic) benefits….