Tree Seedlings

…available to many customers. Find out more about purchasing seedlings. Are there advantages to multi-family plantings? Yes. Multi-family plantings, because of their diversity, are better buffered against unusual shifts in…

Forest Stewardship Program

…structure, and drafts of the Landscape Management Plan (LMP) and the associated geodatabase. AFF and SFC also worked cooperatively to evaluate and incorporate edits, comments, and modifications that resulted in…

Taxes & Estate Planning

…of your ability. Decide upon the objectives of your estate plan to include retirement income, support of a remaining spouse, needs of children, charitable gifts, minimizing tax liability, charitable contributions…

#SpringIntoAction with GFC!

…your best work with followers of the Georgia Forestry Commission. There’s never been a better time to appreciate Mother Nature for the natural gifts she provides us every day. An…

A Look Back at GFC in 2021

…with the restoration of key infrastructure when a devastating tornado struck. In December, our agency provided Christmas gifts for 15 children through Clark Howard’s Christmas Kids program. As you can…

Needlecast in Pines

…to needle browning that looks like scorching left by wildfire. These needles are typically dropped as spring moves on and are replaced by new green needles forming tufts at the…

GFC Tracking Palmetto Berry Thieves

…landowners often do not notice the thefts until their property has been picked clean. Illegal harvesters operate day and night and may be dangerous if confronted. Landowners are being urged…

Understanding Georgia’s Outdoor Burning Laws

…the burning escapes or an airborne ember drifts away. “T” stands for TIME. Burning must take place between the official sunrise and sunset times for the location where the burning…

2024 American Tree Farm System Landscape Management Plan for the State of Georgia

The American Forest Foundation (AFF), in conjunction with Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.(SFC), developed the original components, outlines, structure, and drafts of the Landscape Management Plan (LMP) and the associated geodatabase. AFF and SFC also worked cooperatively to evaluate and incorporate edits, comments, and modifications that resulted in the final LMP and geodatabase.