Tree Seedlings
…allow seedlings to dry out from wind or sun and avoid temperature extremes. Seedlings should be planted deeply within two weeks of receipt. Seedling Care And Planting Guidelines GFC also…
Ordering Tree Seedlings
GFC offers a wide variety of pine and hardwood seedlings. We cater to small, private, non-industrial landowners and we serve thousands of customers in that capacity. Seedlings are available in small or large quantities and we offer varieties suitable for all environments in Georgia.
…Tree Benefits Calculator The Tree Benefit Calculator allows anyone to make a simple estimation of the benefits individual street-side trees provide. Benefits of Trees External Website Tree Campus Higher Education®…
…Find out more about tree seedling sales. The ideal time to plant trees seedlings in Georgia is from December through March 1. Planting trees is one of the easiest and…
…significant steps taken to protect Georgia’s environment. Find out more about Carbon Sequestration. Tree Seedlings Can I buy the most genetically advanced slash and loblolly pine seedlings from GFC? Yes….
Georgia Arbor Day
…garden, citizen group, or developer supporting “tree-friendly” values. Schedule homeowner classes on tree pruning, tree selection, tree identification, and tree planting. Charge a small registration fee and use the money…
News Archives
…Campus Higher Education® Application Tree Campus Higher Education® Program Tree Campus K-12® Tree Care Manual Tree City USA Application Tree City USA Standards Tree City USA, Tree Campus Higher Education®…
GFC Seedling Sales Open!
…different types of oak, and many fruit-bearing trees. Trees favored for aesthetics, such as dogwood and crape myrtle, are also available. All are sold in packages of 10, 50, 250,…
New Year, New Purpose: How to Give Your Tree a Second Life
…services, drop-off locations, media promotion, and more. The Georgia Forestry Commission even provides complimentary tree seedlings for interested participants. Tens of thousands of dogwoods, red cedars, red maples, white oaks,…
Forestry Commission Plants Special Seedlings in Dawson County
…possible by a US Forest Service grant that enabled foresters to combine pine root stock with new growth material from superior shortleaf trees. The resulting seedlings are now two years…