Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

…killing vast expanses of pines was documented in colonial times. Environmental stresses to trees can’t be avoided, but good forest management that controls density within stands can create vigorous stands…

Georgia’s Forest Action Plan

Georgia’s Forest Action Plan and subsequent Resource Strategy were initially developed in response to the 2008 Farm Bill. The three consensus-based national priorities with accompanying strategic objectives are: Conserve working…

GFC and COVID-19

…show reasonable fire prevention precautions were not taken. Sa fety. Flexibility. Service. Those are the themes we’re embracing at the Georgia Forestry Commission during this extraordinary time. While COVID-19 directives…

#SpringIntoAction with GFC!

Spring time in Georgia is always a sight to behold – even, and especially – in these challenging times. Whether enjoying the outdoor splendor an acceptable social distance from other…

GA Forestry Report: April Tornadoes Cause $3 Million+ In Damages

…two public parks. Landowners are encouraged to utilize professional foresters and arborists to help with decisions about timber management or potentially hazardous trees around homes and urban environments. Resources are…

GFC’s Stance on Respect and Discrimination

…we believe are appropriate given the facts and circumstances. The GFC family stands firmly on a foundation of inclusiveness and respect for all people at all times. The suggestion or…

Asian Longhorned Beetle

…different stages and emerge as adults at different times throughout the year, creating large round exit holes in the bark (Figure 5). Figure 5: Asian longhorned beetle exit hole While…

GFC Leaf Watch: November 5, 2020 (final leaf watch post)

…for some color below 2500’ with the potential for some good color scattered around. As the canopy comes down, roadside sights hidden during the summer months begin to emerge providing…