GA Outdoor Burn Notification System FAQs (Spanish Version)

GA código sección 12-6-90 elimina la necesidad de notificar a la comisión forestal de Georgia cuando una persona, empresa, corporación o asociación tiene la intención de quemar vegetación apilada a mano/ escombros de patio. Sin embargo, se añadieron importantes precauciones de prevención de incendios para los quemadores.

Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)

Eligibility Must be private land or Tribal land which will restore, enhance or measurably increase the likelihood of recovery of a threatened or endangered species, improve biological diversity and increase…

Seedling Webstore is Open for Business!

GFC Guest Blog: Seedling Sales by Reforestation Chief Jeff Fields Georgia Forestry Commission seedling sales began on July 1 and orders are coming in at a rapid pace. If you…

Fire Prevention & Suppression

Under Senate Bill 119, Georgia code section 12-6-90 was changed to eliminate the notification requirement to the GFC of one’s intention to burn hand-piled natural debris. The law supports Georgians’…

GA Outdoor Burn Notification System Frequently Asked Questions

GA code section 12-6-90 eliminates the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission when a person, firm,corporation or association intends to burn hand-piled vegetation/yard debris. Important fire prevention precautions for burners, however, were added.

Hurricane Michael – Farm Recovery Block Grants

The Georgia Department of Agriculture will accept online applications for the $347 million in block grant funds beginning March 18, 2020. Georgia farmers and forest landowners in 95 eligible counties, who suffered losses to beef, dairy, fruit and vegetable, pecan, poultry, timber, and uninsured infrastructure can enroll. The federal block grants seek to help recover losses not covered under existing USDA Farm Service Agency programs. Only online applications will be accepted. All applications must be completed and submitted by April 8, 2020.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia

…GA map, see US map). Loss of hemlock in these areas is both ecologically and environmentally devastating. If it is eliminated, there is no other native conifer that will fill…

Forest Legacy – Assessment of Needs

This assessment documents the need for a Forest Legacy Program in Georgia; identifies and delineates the boundaries of forest areas meeting the eligibility
requirements for designation as Forest Legacy Areas; and provides details of recommended areas for inclusion in the Forest Legacy.