2019 GA Carbon Sequestration Summary

Over 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon is sequestered on Georgia timberland according to 2019 Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) data, provided by the U.S. Forest Service. This includes 23.2 million acres on federal, state/local, and private property. It accounts for carbon in aboveground and belowground live and dead biomass, aboveground and belowground understory vegetation, coarse woody debris, soil, and leaf litter. This estimate excludes timberland primarily consisting of exotic species and non-stocked stands (previously forested land that has yet to be replanted or produce substantial natural vegetation).

Water Quality & BMPs

…(GAMTH), visit the GAMTH database. To be added to the timber buyers directory, contact Angela Kimberly at akimberly@gfc.state.ga.us. Page on GFC Website Storm Damage and Forest Health Issues in Streamside…

March Tornado Timber Damage Totals Nearly $3 Million

…Our field foresters and urban forest strike team collected aerial and ground data for this assessment, which quantifies the wide degree of timber damage, from residential trees to mature managed…

My Experience as an Urban and Community Forestry Intern

…These data collections on an area’s trees include their geographic location, health, and other management information. It can be beneficial to determine if we are losing or gaining tree canopy…

Consulting Foresters List

This application allows you to search for consulting foresters that cover the state of Georgia. These professionals are registered foresters within the state and have personally requested to be added to GFC’s database.


…as an endorsement of any individual or company. For a full list of Georgia Master Timber Harvesters (GAMTH), visit the GAMTH database. To be added to the timber buyers directory,…

Timber Buyers Directory

This list is made up of buyers/harvesters who have submitted information to GFC and is not meant as an endorsement of any individual or company. For a full list of Georgia Master Timber Harvesters (GAMTH), visit the GAMTH database. To be added to the timber buyers directory, contact Angela Kimberly at akimberly@gfc.state.ga.us.

Arbor Day Foundation Georgia Tree Planting Program

…GFC forester will visit the site following tree planting to conduct a tree planting performance inspection. The landowner will receive data collected during the inspection and needed forest management recommendations…

STEM & Forestry

…distinguish them in certain forestry careers. A common tool used in forestry is GIS (geographic information system). GIS creates, manages, analyzes, and maps data related to its geographic location. Mills…