Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

Forests & Water: A Critical Combination

Forests & Water: A Critical Combination By Scott Thackston, GFC Water Quality Program Coordinator At the Georgia Forestry Commission, we’re proud to share the countless benefits that forests supply. Not…

GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD)

GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD) By Emily Hamilton, GFC Rural Fire Defense Manager The Georgia Forestry Commission offers special services to Georgia communities through the Rural Fire Defense Program….

Georgia Celebrates Trees this Month

…Director Tim Lowrimore. “This is a great opportunity for communities to come together and support the many benefits trees deliver, including storm water uptake, cooling shade, homes for wildlife, and…

Community Forestry Assistance Program

GFC’s Sustainable Community Forestry Program (SCFP) provides technical support to cities, counties, elementary schools, college campuses, home owners and nonprofit organizations.

GA Forestry Commission Set to Launch Leaf Watch 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 4, 2023 The fall foliage season is almost here and Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) foresters are ready to share the colorful story! Beginning Thursday, October 5,…