2024 Georgia Certified Mills & Products

This is a list of companies that participated in the Timber Product Output (TPO) annual survey of the primary wood-using industries in Georgia and reported that their wood procurement system and/or listed mills and/or products are certified through SFI, FSC, PEFC or SBP1.

Forest Certification

…plan. This is good idea whether you decide to pursue certification or not. Forest Management Certification Programs Recently, Forisk Consulting group produced a report on the major forest certification standards…

Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+

Project WET, and Project Learning Tree-certified. And I’m planning to take my students on a field trip to the Flint River Nursery this upcoming year. I’m so glad I went…

Wildfire Prevention

…and incident command expertise GFC provides education in the protection and conservation of forest resources. GFC’s rigorous training programs ensure responders understand such concerns as: fire weather fire behavior suppression…

Georgia Grown

…a Georgia Grown member links your business to a powerful, statewide community that includes producers, processors, distributors and consumers. Buying Georgia Grown forest products supports the state’s economy, encourages local…

YHC – Hemlock Project

The Young Harris College (YHC) Hemlock Proiect is a volunteer effort of community members and students to help raise Sasajiscymnus tsugae, a tiny ladybird beetle that is one of the few natural predators of the HWA. The organization works in conjunction with the Forest Service and GFC to decide where to release the adult beetles.

Georgia Pulpwood Production Fact Sheet – 2021

This fact sheet is adapted from Southern Pulpwood Production, 2021. The full report presents the findings of a 100 percent canvass of pulp mills that drew roundwood or wood residues from the 13 Southern States during 2021