Searching for the Next “Great American Tree”

…provide, The American Grove is sponsoring the 5th annual Great American Tree Competition. The American Grove, an online community of tree enthusiasts, promotes the Great American Tree Competition (GATC) every…

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

…biological control agents. On March 1, 2021, the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) proposed repeal of Chapter 224-3, “Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine,” in its entirety. Following an open comment period, on…

Contact Us

Click on the button that relates to your inquiry. If you need help finding the right person, please complete and submit the form below.   Local Area Contacts   Program Specific Contacts…

Certified Tree Professionals

…estimate completed. Ensure that estimates include credentials, written scope of work, and all costs. Compare quotes on the basis of services to be performed and costs for each service. If…

Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…pine seedlings. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Forestry practices covered include prescribed burning, site preparation & tree planting, pre-commercial & commercial thinning, road stabilization, and wildlife management practices. Conservation Reserve…

Prescribed Burn

…Fine Fuel Moisture Table A close estimate of the fine dead fuel moisture (FDFM) on your burn unit any time a FDFM reading is desired PDF Fire Weather Forecast Current…

Prescribed Burn Certification

…will receive a comprehensive study manual and instruction on subjects such as fire behavior, fire weather and fire tactics. The applicants must pass a written test, have two years of…

Asian Longhorned Beetle

In early June 2020, a homeowner near the town of Hollywood, SC, close to the coast, found an odd-looking beetle, which was sent to Clemson University’s Department of Plant Industry…

GFC Centennial

Commission (GFC). 1922 – Present In its report to the 1922 General Assembly, the Board focused on the economic importance of forests to Georgia and potential threats posed by a…