Local Forestry Employees Earn 2021 Performance Award

…recognized for assisting Human Resources in the new-hire process and was instrumental in securing a large grant for the replanting of trees destroyed by Hurricane Michael in the City of…


…with an average of 100 new locations annually, with a record of 156 new cogongrass locations reported in 2021. The second part of the program is eradication. Eradication is completed…

Prevention Tactics Shared as Fire Danger Rises

…prevention team will be reaching out to all sectors of the community, sharing critical information about how everyone can take steps to prevent wildfires and protect themselves, their families and…

Special Committee Tackles Carbon Credit Tracking in Georgia

…committee has been meeting since December 2021 and members have divided into working subcommittees to establish guidelines for tracking carbon’s distribution in Georgia. There are two mechanisms for securing carbon…

STEM & Forestry

…of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Forest Service have recently recognized forestry as a STEM Career field. STEM has always been present in forestry, but…

Contact Us

Click on the button that relates to your inquiry. If you need help finding the right person, please complete and submit the form below.   Local Area Contacts   Program Specific Contacts…

Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

…times to get your health benefits in. Second, exercise does not have to be extremely strenuous to be beneficial. Walking at a moderate pace is good for your body and…

High-flying Tools for Fire – and More!

…itself. These eggs are harmless by themselves but when they are injected with glycol/antifreeze (about 0.10ml), it causes a chemical reaction in about 30-45 seconds. Currently, the Georgia Department of…