Asian Longhorned Beetle

In early June 2020, a homeowner near the town of Hollywood, SC, close to the coast, found an odd-looking beetle, which was sent to Clemson University’s Department of Plant Industry…

Gary White Named GFC Interim Director

Georgia Forestry Commission Deputy Director Gary White has been appointed to the post of Interim Director for the agency. Governor Brian Kemp requested White assume the role of State Forester,…

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

number of objectives can be met. The program features multiple in-depth documents, internet links, and the capability to create your custom management plan. With this program and website, everything is…

Recognizing the Value of ‘Good Forest Fires’

…of wildfire, improving habitat and biodiversity, and enhancing access and reforestation,” Lowrimore said. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources uses prescribed fire across the state to improve native habitats on…

GFC’s people and services impact Georgians

…trees! We at the GFC are devoted to each and every one of them across the state and to all the people who grow, use, depend on, and appreciate them….

Local Forestry Employees Earn 2021 Performance Award

…Colquitt and Miller County. In addition, all rangers assisted in training local fire departments in wildland fire suppression tactics and deployed to western wildfires last summer and fall. “The GFC…

Pass the Tissue, it’s Pollen Time!

…Georgia Forestry Commission, pollen is a critical part of the Reforestation Department’s mission. Pine pollen plays an important role in the generation of superior trees that are cross-bred for desirable…