
Trees are capital assets that help decrease infrastructure costs in cities. The presence of trees in a community affects the cost of municipal services such as stormwater control, transportation and…

Searching for the Next “Great American Tree”

…provide, The American Grove is sponsoring the 5th annual Great American Tree Competition. The American Grove, an online community of tree enthusiasts, promotes the Great American Tree Competition (GATC) every…

Contact Us

Click on the button that relates to your inquiry. If you need help finding the right person, please complete and submit the form below.   Local Area Contacts   Program Specific Contacts…

Certified Tree Professionals

…estimate completed. Ensure that estimates include credentials, written scope of work, and all costs. Compare quotes on the basis of services to be performed and costs for each service. If…

Carbon Sequestration

…The sale of “carbon credits” could provide a new opportunity for income on a regular, ongoing basis. Systems that match emission-dependent companies with tree growers have been developed in Georgia,…

Georgia Grown

GFC is a Georgia Grown partner. This marketing and economic development program was developed in 2011 by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. The No. 1 goal of Georgia Grown is…

Appreciating “Good Fire” in the Forest

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…