11-4-21 Leaf Watch Report

Fall color change in Northwest GA remains approximately one week behind last year. Many areas from 1500 to 3000 feet are currently at peak, displaying a wide variety of vivid yellows and dull reds. A large percentage of red maple have transformed into differing shades of bright and vivid yellows with occasional reds dramatically changing the views seen from overlooks and valleys. Chestnut oak, red oak, and white oak have made significant changes as they are currently exhibiting shades of gold, brown, and yellow.   

A Look Back at GFC in 2021

…retaining employees, and we’ve allocated considerable resources to meet it. As many other businesses and organizations have experienced, our success in this area is not where we’d like to see…

2020 Georgia Timber Product Output and Use

Georgia forests accounted for a total of 1,383,131 thousand cubic feet (MCF) of timber products while the forest products industry produced a total of 1,395,847 MCF within the State.

The Timber Harvest Notification Website is Live!

…being lauded for its design and simplicity, that didn’t happen by accident – or overnight. The conversation began in 2019 when a timber harvest working group began to meet to…

Prevention Tactics Shared as Fire Danger Rises

…extend up to 100 feet around a building, so trimming tree branches, cleaning gutters and decks, and removing flammable items are wise actions to take now.” To contact the fire…

A Message from GFC Director Tim Lowrimore

…stretched to meet many of our goals. Below are just a few highlights from the year: Reaffirmed our commitment to the safety of every employee by launching the statewide GFC…

Waging War on the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid

…ideal treatment times as well. Remember to read the insecticide label and follow the application and safety instructions. Neither of the soil application methods should be applied within 10 feet