GFC Leaf Watch: November 5, 2020 (final leaf watch post)

…leaves with vivid colors. Currently, overlooks and ridges are predominately composed of dull greens, maroons, and browns with very little yellow or red. Many of the trees are leafless, while…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…Birch – Yellow Birch Good/ River Birch Poor Yellow-poplar – Yellow/Brown but past peak Sourwood – Bright Red / Burgundy Sumac – Bright to deep reds Maple – Above 2000…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…poplar. Species specifics: Dogwood – primarily complete Birch – Yellow Birch Good/ River Birch Poor Yellow-poplar – Defoliated/Brown but past peak Sourwood – Bright Red / Burgundy Sumac – Bright…

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 17th, 2021

…are good places to see maples, oaks, beech, sweetgum, and hickories still showing great colors. Species-specific in the piedmont; below 1500’ Dogwood – primarily complete Birch –River Birch Poor Yellow-poplar…

Pass the Tissue, it’s Pollen Time!

…Georgia Forestry Commission, pollen is a critical part of the Reforestation Department’s mission. Pine pollen plays an important role in the generation of superior trees that are cross-bred for desirable…

“Wildfires in Georgia”

…the week of March 3. A resident was conducting a legal outdoor burn when winds got brisk in an area that contained dry, tornado blow-down residue. That provided tinder for…


On May 1, an outdoor burn ban will begin in 54 Georgia counties, primarily in the northern half of the state. Affected residents are asked to refrain from burning yard and land clearing debris, whose smoke can negatively impact the state’s air quality during the hot summer months by contributing to high ozone levels. These conditions have been linked to lung and heart disease in humans. Please see this .pdf for more details.

Sung to the tune of “School’s Out for Summer!”

…skills. Summer is also a time for them to explore topics that interest them. Allowing youth to engage in a combination of structured and unstructured activities as simple as outdoor

Seedling Webstore is Open for Business!

GFC Guest Blog: Seedling Sales by Reforestation Chief Jeff Fields Georgia Forestry Commission seedling sales began on July 1 and orders are coming in at a rapid pace. If you…