Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP)

…and native flora (and fauna) can be completely displaced. Eligibility Private non-industrial landowners, which means any private individual, group, association, corporation, Indian tribe or other native groups, other private legal…

GFC Leaf Watch

…in trees depends on the tree species, soil composition, and other environmental components. PDF NTG Fall Color Supplement These are generally considered the fall colors during peak season. Habitat, weather,…

Autumn Leaves Flyer

Shorter days and cooler nights start a precise clockwork of physical and chemical interactions within leaf cells bringing forests ablaze with color as they prepare for winter dormancy. In response to certain environmental stimuli, leaf pigments begin to reveal themselves in the leaves of Georgia’s deciduous trees. The amount of pigments in trees depends on the tree species, soil composition, and other environmental components.

2022 Chinese Privet Identification Sheet

Chinese (Ligustrum sinense), European (Ligustrum vulgare) and Japanese (Ligustrum japonicum) privets are all listed as invasive-exotic species that threaten native South Carolina forests. These are semi-evergreen, multi-stemmed shrubs or small trees that can grow up to a height of 20 feet. Ligustrum sp. are native to China, parts of Europe and Japan, and were first introduced into the United States around 1909 for ornamental use as shrub borders, erosion control plantings and wildlife forage. Characteristic flowers of Ligustrum species are showy, panicles of tiny, creamy-white flowers that are very fragrant and abundant in late spring through summer. Fruit produced are small, rounded dark-purple berries that persist throughout the winter, especially favored by birds.

“Wildfires in Georgia”

…fully committed. We have no replacements – only other county units to call upon, which can take hours. This fire took two days to control and three more of mop-up…


…with an average of 100 new locations annually, with a record of 156 new cogongrass locations reported in 2021. The second part of the program is eradication. Eradication is completed…

Berrien County Woods Arson Suspect Jailed

…Forestry Commission Law Enforcement investigators. On August 4, while investigators were at the scene, 10 additional fires were set. A joint search that utilized GFC aircraft and a canine unit…

Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

…has been associated with cardiovascular risk. Studies have shown that walking outdoors with exposure to trees has decreased self-reported stress/anxiety. The Georgia Forestry Commission is part of a forestry group…