Leaf Watch Report for September 28th, 2022

…– Colors are becoming more notable. Sycamores, poplars, and beeches – Some yellowing. Maples – showing small signs of color change in leaves. Conditions at this time should contribute to…

Leaf Watch Report for October 26th, 2022

…However, from now through the upcoming weekend should provide great fall colors in lower to middle elevations in the mountains. Scenic NC Drive: 1) Georgia State Route 180 from Suches

PLT and Me!

…research-based information by assessing and identifying local needs. Having a personal interest in environment-related topics and wanting to expose the youth in my community to natural resource education, I completed…

Find Tree City USA Communities

Thousands of Tree City USA communities—large and small—have made a commitment to their urban tree canopy and their residents. Check them our.

New Online Tool Tracks Georgia Wildfire Activity

…progress and the facts can be accessed from a computer or smart phone.” Sorrells explained that the Wildfire Public Viewer is directly linked to the Georgia Forestry Commission’s (GFC) wildfire…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…nursery stock each year. The Georgia Forestry Commission samples native vegetation surrounding these nursery sites as well as from forested areas throughout the state and to date, no native plants…