Georgia Forestry Laws

GFC is not liable for the distribution of out-of-date material. This document is not legal advice and cannot replace legal advice. Current Georgia Statutes are maintained by the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, and can be accessed through their website.

Georgia Centennial Farms

The Georgia Centennial Farm Program was developed in 1993 to distinguish family farms that have contributed to preserving Georgia’s agricultural history by maintaining working farms for more than 100 years. The program has recognized over 530 farms around the state.

Cooperative Forestry

The Cooperative Forestry unit of the USDA Forest Service works closely with partners to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land, for the benefits they provide to the American people. Cooperative Forestry delivers its work through states, local governments, other federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and other partners leveraging additional resources and fueling innovation.

Taxes & Estate Planning

…and measured also qualifies for capital gains treatment under the provisions of Section 631 of the Internal Revenue Code and are commonly referred to as pay-as-you-cut or unit price sales….

USDA Forest Service – Cooperative Forestry

The Cooperative Forestry unit of the USDA Forest Service works closely with partners to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land, for the benefits they provide to the American people.

What is my tree worth?

Homeowners often believe that trees in their landscape have economic value for use as lumber or other wood products. The main impediment to selling your landscape trees is the cost of their removal.

Trees and Drought

Drought is a main contributing factor to shade tree decline. Extended drought can influence the health of shade trees by the loss of absorbing roots.

How to Water Your Trees

Summer heat often prompts us to wonder how our trees can survive when too little rain falls to keep the grass alive. There are important tips to follow for proper watering and maintenance.