GFC’s people and services impact Georgians

Written by Stasia Kelly | GFC Media Relations Specialist When you see the words “Georgia Forestry Commission,” what comes to your mind? Trees, of course – millions upon millions of…

Timber Security

complaints, and every complaint is investigated. The priority will always be to protect our landowners and their forest resources by ensuring that credible timber harvest operations occur. Among the duties…

Forest Utilization

…of roundwood, all primary wood-using industries in a state are surveyed bi-annually. Primary wood-using industries include pulp mills, sawmills, veneer mills, composite panel mills (osb), and other industrial products mills….

Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program (SPB)

…are publicly traded or legal entities principally engaged in the processing or manufacturing of wood products. Minimum practice size is 10 acres. Forestry Practices Covered Includes non-commercial thinning, pine release,…

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

Eligibility Farmers, ranchers and owners of private, non-industrial forest land that promote agricultural production, forest management and environmental quality. Forestry Practices Covered Prescribed burning, site preparation & tree planting, pre-commercial…

STEM & Forestry

…a direct connection to science, but what about the other three fields – technology, engineering, and math? Mathematics calculates a tree’s height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and crown spread….

Digital Media Toolkit

TitleDescriptionDocument Type Branding Guidelines A PDF featuring a breakdown of GFC’s branding guidelines. PDF GFC Logo Black & White Transparent PNG of the GFC logo in black and white. GFC…

Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+

Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+ GUEST BLOG by Ashley Wright, Pike County Elementary School I just had the honor of completing the Georgia Teacher Conservation Workshop, and WOW! What…

What I Did On My Summer Vacation…

…one, but once we get past the “Final Destination” moment, we move straight to Fern Gully and fixate on the “can’t you feel its pain?” The thought ends there with…