Social & Cultural

…their perceptions of those spaces. Trees also make streets more livable and safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Older adults who have more exposure to green common spaces report a stronger…

Leaf Watch Report for October 20th, 2022

…red. Sassafras – Green with hints of orange. Sweetgum – Shifting from green to red and yellow. Blackgum – Green fading to red and yellow. Redbud – Shifting from green…


…city trees, and transportation safety. External Website Green Cities: Social & Cultural Strengths Urban green spaces can provide a neutral space within which people come together, social interactions occur (that…


…transportation safety. External Website Green Cities: Social & Cultural Strengths Urban green spaces can provide a neutral space within which people come together, social interactions occur (that include people from…

Care For Your Community’s Trees

…GFC Website Community Forestry Friend Program Application The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is rewarding communities and campuses implementing exemplary urban forestry programs with a Community Forestry Friend social media badge….

Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

Educator Resources

Green Cities: Active Living Recent research indicates that quality outdoor environments affect activity attitudes and behaviors. Urban greening contributes to more walkable places. External Website Green Cities: Crime & Public…

Searching for the Next “Great American Tree”

…provide, The American Grove is sponsoring the 5th annual Great American Tree Competition. The American Grove, an online community of tree enthusiasts, promotes the Great American Tree Competition (GATC) every…

Community Forestry Assistance

…forestry programs, and promote the care of trees in communities throughout Georgia with emphasis on disadvantaged communities. In partnership with the Georgia Tree Council, the Georgia ReLeaf grant program offers…

Ask The Arborist

…Forestry Commission, and while our community foresters are International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists, their expertise mainly pertains to trees commonly found in Georgia. Note: GFC email serves cannot accept…