Landowners Can Help Reduce Wildfire in Georgia

…requirement to notify the GFC county ranger for agriculture, silviculture and land-clearing burns for residential or commercial development. Those activities DO require a permit. These changes will take a little

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…have combined to give the look and feel of fall for Northeast Georgia. While the birches, poplars, and sycamores have all but completed their fall showing, other species like dogwood,…

10-20-21 Leaf Watch Report

The past week has been cool and sunny with a little rain, allowing many of the trees to slowly progress with color change. Areas with high concentrations of blackgum and sourwood are currently showing the most vivid colors providing differing shades of red and orangeSassafras is also beginning to show a variety of colors including yellow, orange and red. 

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…color change with little green remaining outside of evergreen trees. This week, canopies are starting to see the most coloration occur in elevations above 1000’ and can be seen from…

Carbon Sequestration Archive

TitleDescriptionDocument Type Georgia Carbon Sequestration Public Hearings – Statesboro 2007 Creation of Georgia’s Carbon Sequestration Registry included a public review process of proposed draft protocol documents and presentations. This is…

Pass the Tissue, it’s Pollen Time!

…Georgia Forestry Commission, pollen is a critical part of the Reforestation Department’s mission. Pine pollen plays an important role in the generation of superior trees that are cross-bred for desirable…


…These include southern pine beetle, emerald ash borer, gypsy moth traps, and an entire program dedicated to the early detection of insects around our ports and other high-risk areas of…

Seedling Webstore is Open for Business!

GFC Guest Blog: Seedling Sales by Reforestation Chief Jeff Fields Georgia Forestry Commission seedling sales began on July 1 and orders are coming in at a rapid pace. If you…

My Three-Month Internship with the GFC

…Environmental Quality Incentives, Southern Pine Beetle, Invasive Plant Control, and Emergency Forestry Restoration cost share programs. I worked with the water quality specialist of the area, Bert Early, performing firebreak…