GFC Leaf Watch: November 5, 2020 (final leaf watch post)

…leaves with vivid colors. Currently, overlooks and ridges are predominately composed of dull greens, maroons, and browns with very little yellow or red. Many of the trees are leafless, while…

GFC Launches Weekly Fall Foliage Updates

…featured on Saturday mornings with Ashley Frasca on WSB 95.5 FM’s Green and Growing program. For more information about Georgia’s forests and services of the Georgia Forestry Commission, visit….

Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ) in Georgia

Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ) in Georgia By: Seth Hawkins Often we think about wildfires around homes as some distant issue affecting unknown forests and communities out west. It’s important,…

Campaign Shares Health Benefits of Trees

…sustainable forestry. Texas A&M Forest Service developed the campaign and its tools. Supporting materials, including compelling graphics and other resources, are free and available to potential partners through SGSF.….

Get Ready for Summer with Post-Storm Tree Assessments

…(ISA) Certified Arborist. A directory of ISA Certified Arborists in Georgia can be found at Trees play a huge role in our communities on environmental, social, and financial levels….

Asian Longhorned Beetle

…willow. There are also several native beetles that look similar to ALB: The Georgia Forestry Commission is working closely with our counterparts in South Carolina to learn about this…

Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program (SPB)

Purpose The purpose of the SPBP is to help landowners implement various silvicultural practices that will prevent (or minimize) impacts of southern pine beetle infestations, restore healthy, more beetle-resistant forests

“Good Fires” Take Center Stage at Upcoming Virtual Meeting

…a forest management tool to support a myriad of environmental benefits. “The Georgia Forestry Commission has a clear, strategic vision for fire in our state,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director…

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

Community Forest Department are found on this webpage. There you’ll see tools such as “Ask the Arborist,” tree care manuals, community outreach opportunities, and information about the Wildland Urban Interface,…